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Meditation & Imagination Vol. 1 (EN)

Meditation & Imagination

Vol. 1

Guided meditation album

This is a series of guided meditations which are part of the first part of the book Meditation & Imagination, a clear and practical book for anyone who practices- or wants to practice - meditation.


This series of meditations begins with a few simple relaxation and concentration exercises that anyone can begin with, building up to various practices that can lead to higher forms of meditation.


A text from the book is added to each meditation with a short explanation of this meditation, suggestions and background information

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Track List

*All meditations in this album have duration options of 10, 20 & 30 minutes.



  1. Breath I

  2. Breath II

  3. Silence I

  4. Silence II

  5. An Object

  6. Concentration I

  7. Concentration II

  8. Mindfulness I

  9. Mindfulness II

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