Elleke van Kraalingen
My journey in Yoga and Meditation began when I was a child. In my early teenage years I spontaneously started to meditate, following an inner guideline and set off on the path of yoga. Yoga and meditation became a way of life and a source of inner wisdom and love, from which I receive my nourishment. There from sprang the aspiration to guide others on their way. For more than 32 years now I have been teaching the ancient form of Raja Yoga and for 20 years I have been training Yoga Teachers. With love I continue to teach my passion for Yoga and meditation, explaining and exploring its classical philosophy.
In addition I have had other professional activities as a psychologist, naturopath, life coach, author of several books and I am a mother of four children (who have grown up now).
Together with my husband Pieter we started La Borde Blanque in 2013, center for yoga, meditation and healing in Occitania, Midi-Pyrenees, France. Here we realize our dream and share our life and work experience in a holistic way, within the power, serenity and beauty of nature and our animals. My great passion, teachers and friends are our Icelandic horses.
In our daily life at La Borde Blanque there lies an invitation and challenge to practice the Yoga way of life, each day, every minute.

Pieter Hiemstra
Originally I am a physiotherapist. In my practice I came across the borders of which physiotherapy can offer. In search of wider horizons, I specialized in manual therapy and chiropractic, but soon I met new limitations.
In 1997 I came in touch with Esoteric Healing. Within this field I still experience inner growth, through which the possibilities of treatment reach beyond borders. I completed the teacher training in Esoteric Healing. For over ten years I have been training people, who intend to help themselves and others to find an inner balance through Esoteric Healing. Since 2000, I have also combined cranio-sacral therapy with Esoteric Healing principles.
Following this path I have grown from being a therapist of illness and injuries to someone who stimulates and supports others to become conscious of their potential and to live accordingly. I like to summarize my vision in the following statement:
Every person is healthy, when his feelings, his thoughts and his actions
are coordinated on each other and the environment.
Together with my wife Elleke I hope to continue this at La Borde Blanque
Books written by Elleke:
In English:
‘Meditation & Imagination’, 2011, O-Books
Love Beyond Death, 2010, O-Books
In Dutch:
Meditaties op de Yoga Sutra’s van Patanjali, 2013, Tattwa
Meditatie & Imaginatie, 2001, Ankh-Hermes
Liefde voorbij de Dood, 2015, Tattwa
Door de Poort van Geboorte, 2006, Ankh-Hermes
Kleine Engel, 2013, Tattwa