Yoga & Meditation Basic Retreats
Calendar | Prices & Accommodation
In these inspiring retreats you’ll get acquainted with the basic philosophy of yoga, which is about the Art of Living. Yoga is more than just doing exercises! It is a way of life, leading towards inner joy and freedom.
Our Basic Retreats give you a fundamental training in your practice of asanas, meditation and an introduction to the ancient and universal yoga philosophy in a most accessible and practical way. These two Basic Retreats are suitable for beginners as well as advanced practitioners in yoga. They form the preliminary modules for our International Raja Yoga Teacher Training, but can also be attended separately as a wonderful Retreat for yourself.
Raja Yoga is one of the oldest and most complete forms of yoga, where the asanas (physical practices) are considered to be a preparation for meditation. Thus Raja Yoga includes Hatha Yoga and all modern styles a like. Meditation training is central to Raja Yoga, which is a training of the mind, nowadays also called: 'mindfulness'. Classic meditation training, however, goes beyond mindfulness, leading to higher states of consciousness. The philosophy we discuss is supportive to our meditation training and very applicable to manage our modern daily lives.
The Yamas & Niyamas of Patanjali
In this retreat we get acquainted with the inspiring basic philosophy of yoga, the ethics of the Art of Living: Yama & Niyama: How to manage your daily life so that it sustains you? How to let go of old habits and to create a new, healthy lifestyle? How to get in touch with your Higher Self, your potential?
A Journey through the Chakras
In this retreat you’ll get acquainted with the subtle dimensions of our human being. We’ll make an inner journey through the chakras, or energy centres. In doing so we’ll focus on colour, symbolism, psychology and physical aspects and how to create a healthy inner balance.
There are two yoga and meditation sessions a day, a longer and active morning session, completed with philosophy and dialogue, and a shorter, relaxing evening session. All afternoons are free to relax, to swim, to walk and to enjoy the wonderful nature surroundings.
Recurring themes in all modules:
Yoga asanas and relaxation
We offer various modern styles of hatha yoga. Our approach is a mindful way of practicing yoga. This means, a quiet, attentive and meditative approach. Yet we will also introduce dynamic flow series and be mindful in action! Everyone can participate at his or her level and there is plenty of room for personal variations and modifications.
Breath and energy practices. Learning to work and play with the physical breath, subtle prana flows and mental energy.
Pratyahara, Concentration and Meditation
To withdraw the senses and the attention within towards focus and meditation, in gradual steps and using different techniques, we will explore higher realms of consciousness under professional and experienced guidance.
Yoga and meditation teacher
No prior experience with yoga or meditation is required. Our Basic modules, or an equivalent experience, are a requirement to participate in our International Raja Yoga Teacher Training.
No preparation is required, but familiarity with 'The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali' and some of the recommended reading is beneficial.
Recommended Reading:
'The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali'', Elleke van Kraalingen*
‘Light on Life’, B.K.S. Iyengar
‘Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali’, B. K. S. Iyengar
‘Meditation & Imagination', Elleke van Kraalingen*
* Available at La Borde Blanque