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Yoga Teacher Training
Yoga & Meditation Intensive Retreats

Calendar | Prices & Accommodation

Our International Raja Yoga Teacher Training is a beautiful training for your personal and spiritual development, whether you wish to become a yoga teacher, are already a yoga teacher and want to deepen your practice and knowledge, or when you are a yogi and wish to deepen your experience. 


Our Raja Yoga Teacher Training is internationally acknowledged by the International Yoga Federation (IYF), honorary member of the European Union of Yoga Associations (EUYA) and the Association Française de Yoga (AFY). 


This Teacher Training consists of 2 Basic Modules of 50 hours each and 5 Intensive modules, each in the form of 10 days / 80 hours Yoga and Meditation Intensive Retreats. In sum 100 hours Basic Training and 400 hours  Intensive Training, making 500 Hours for the complete Teacher Training.

During the Intensive we build a practice programme to take home. The whole Teacher Training course can be completed by a concluding interview and a certificate. Each module can be concluded with a partial certificate and in between modules there is the possibility to stay in contact with the teacher for guidance and questions.


The  different modules are being offered over a period of two and a half year and can be taken in any order. You can attend the different modules in your own rhythm and time. In yoga there is no time.


It is also possible to participate in each of these modules as a separate retreat for your own joy and personal development.

Raja Yoga


We are a Raja Yoga School. Raja Yoga is one of the oldest and most complete forms of yoga, where the asanas (physical practices) are considered to be a preparation for meditation. Thus Raja Yoga includes Hatha Yoga and all modern styles. Although we offer several of these modern styles to get acquainted, our approach is what one might call mindful yoga. Meditation training is central to Raja Yoga, which is a training of the mind, nowadays called: 'mindfulness'. Classic meditation training, however, goes beyond mindfulness, leading to higher states of consciousness. The philosophy we discuss is supportive to our meditation training.

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Our 10 –Days Intensive retreats consist of 18 sessions of 3 hours, including asanas and meditation and in the mornings are concluded with philosophy and sharing. Alternated with free afternoons to relax, to swim, to walk and to enjoy the wonderful nature surroundings.

On–going topics in all intensive modules:


Yoga asanas and relaxation

We offer various modern styles of hatha yoga. Our approach is a mindful way of practicing yoga. This means, a quiet, attentive and meditative approach. Remaining in an asana can sometimes be intense and powerful. Yet we will also introduce dynamic flow series and be mindful in action! Everyone can participate at his or her level and there is plenty of room for personal variations and modifications.


Breath and energy practices. Learning to work and play with the physical breath, subtle prana flows and mental energy.


Pratyahara, Concentration & Meditation

To withdraw the senses and the attention within, towards focus and meditation. In gradual steps and using different techniques, we will explore higher realms of consciousness under professional and experienced guidance.



In each module we study a different theme of classical yoga philosophy. Depending on the module we study the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the Bhagavad Gita or Science of the Soul.

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In order to participate in our Intensive Modules you must have completed two of our Yoga and Meditation Basic retreats, or have an equivalent experience with yoga and / or meditation elsewhere.


Experienced yogis can, in consultation with the teacher, decide to skip the Basic Modules and opt for the Intensive Training of 400 hours. You are welcome to contact us to discuss the options. 


For each module of our Raja Yoga Teacher Training one is requested to read specific literature beforehand.

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Module 1

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali I

Introduction to The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

This module offers a wonderful introduction to and deepening of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and thus to the essence of classical yoga philosophy. In this 10-day Intensive Retreat we discuss Chapter 1 and 2 of the 'Yoga Sutras of Patanjali ", a comprehensive study and practical application of the 8 steps of yoga and meditation.



Module 2

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali II

Continuation of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

This module offers a wonderful deepening of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali as well as Hatha Yoga Pradipika. It is very well possible to start with this module, without having attended module 1, for we will address different themes. We will start at the end of Chapter 2, recapitulating the 8 steps of yoga and meditation.


Module 3

Introduction to The Bhagavad Gita

The Bhagavad Gita is considered the jewel of the Vedas, the oldest yoga scripts known. In this ancient mythical story, essential wisdom of life is offered in a very accessible way.


Module 4

Continuation of The Bhagavad Gita


In this module we continue our study of the Bhagavad Gita, the jewel of the Vedas, the oldest scripts known. In this ancient mythical story, essential wisdom of life is offered in a very accessible way. Since the second half of the book offers different topics than the first half, it is very well possible to start with this module, without having attended module Module 3. 



Module 5 

Science of the Soul


This module offers a deepening perspective on the subtle anatomy of the human being and the cosmos, along the study of the profound book: Science of the Soul’, by Swami Yogeshvarananda Sarasvati.*. We will discuss different dimensions and bodies, along with different states of consciousness. 


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